1602 poze   172165 vizite
0 - De vanzare African Violets 20210 - De vanzare Hoya 20210 - De vanzare Kohleria 2021AFRICAN VIOLETS   Adirondack Moon   Ajohns Winter Sun   Allegro Pink Pistachio   Astro   AV-Mimosa   BR-Domovonok Kuzya   Brazos Belle   Bridal Lady   Cajun-s Lil Joy   Cajun-sLil Sprinkles   Chantaspring   Dark Night of the Soul   DS-Brian   DS-Kankan   DS-Popugaychik   DS-Rumianets   Emperor   Festive Holiday   Fidelio   Fool-s Gold   Golden Dawn   Happy Harold   Huckleberry   Imp-s Jellyfish Sting   Imp-s Karmic Kaleidoscope   Jim-s Christmas Bell   Jolly Champ   Jolly Jubilee   Jolly Kid   LE-Crystal Chime   LE-Florence   LE-Maya NEW 2018   LE-Miya   LE-Noa   LE-Rosoviy Muskat   LE-Zoryane Syayvo   LE-Zoryanka   Lil Rich Girl   Little Jester   Loco Jo   Ma-s Ching Dynasty   Ma-s Fruit Smoothie   Ma-s Glass Slipper   Ma-s Grinning Grape   Ma-s Melody Girl   Ma-s Midnight Spell   Ma-s Pinata   Ma-s Taffy Swirl   Maas Angela   Mac-s Black Pearl   Mac-s Coral Clackamus   Mac-s Cosmic Cabaret   Mac-s Freckle-faced Redhead   Mac-s Incredible Infrared   Mac-s Just Jeff   Mac-s Paisley Pattern   Mac-s Pizzicato Paradise   Mac-s Scorching Sun   Mac-s Smoldering Sapphire   Mac-s Stellar Supernova   Mac-s Virtually Velvet   Mac-s Walkabout Uluru   Mikinda Girl   MK-Stayka Motiljkov   MK-Stayka Motiljkov SPORT   Morgan-s Drifter-s Rose   Morgan-s Rose Cottage   N-Antoshka   N-Goluboe Solnishko NEW 2019   N-Kalambur   N-Karelia   N-Lesnoy Rodnik   N-Mahaon   N-Pasodoblj   N-Vesna   N-Yagun   Nibble   Peacock   PL-Gorod Muzey   Precious Red   Pride of Columbus   Rainbow-s Peewee Nocturne   Raspberry Sizzle   Rebel-s Amy   River Falls Twilight   Rob-s Almost Sinful   Rob-s Argyle Socks   Rob-s Astro Zombie   Rob-s Cherry Soda   Rob-s Combustible Pigeon   Rob-s Cool Fruit   Rob-s Dandy Lion   Rob-s Dodo Bird   Rob-s Hallucination   Rob-s Inner Orbit   Rob-s Itchy Britches   Rob-s June Bug   Rob-s Kaleidoscope   Rob-s Knickers   Rob-s Lilli Pilli   Rob-s Lilliputian   Rob-s Love Bite   Rob-s Macho Devil   Rob-s Outer Orbit   Rob-s Pewter Bells   Rob-s Plaid Skirt   Rob-s Plaid Skirt SPORT   Rob-s Scrumptious   Rob-s Slap Happy   Rob-s Squeeze Toy   Rob-s Sugar Cube   Rob-s Twinkle Blue   Rob-s Whiz Bang   Rob-s Zero Gravity   Rob-s Zinfandel   Rob-s Zippity Doo   San Mateo Blues   Senk-s Arctic Fox   Senk-s Beanstalk   Senk-s Fantasy Wasp   Senk-s Fruit Fly   Senk-s Try the Decaf   Senk-s Whisper of Pink   Senk-s Wild Thing   Shirl-s Freckled Face   Sierra Sunrise   SimSim Tender Rose   Skies over Italy   Snuggle Bear   Snuggles Little Dreamer   Sonoma Look Twice   Sonoma Ruffled Rudy   Sonoma Twitterpatted   Strawberry Daiquiri   Strawberry Girl   Tina-s April Fantasy   Tinker Bells   Toy Castle   Watermelon Snow   Wee Bee   Wesley-s Bubblegum Cloud   White Madonna   Witch Doctor   Wrangler-s Green Pastures   Wrangler-s Luv Texas   Wrangler-s Ragtime Cowboy   Wrangler-s Snowfields   Wrangler-s Swinging Blues   Z Baby Brad   Z Baby Colors   Z Buckeye Irish Lace   Z Buckeye Lamplighter   Z Buckley-s Spoon   Z Funambule   Z Golden Nugget   Z Kei-Yoki   Z King-s Ransom   Z Rainbow-s Quiet Riot   Z Rebel-s Splatter Kake   Z Rob-s Boolaroo   Z Sharlene NostalgieAFRICAN VIOLETS - CHIMERA   Ma-s Mardi Gras      Ma-s Mardi Gras SPORT   Neptune-s Jewels      Neptune-s Jewels SPORT   Psychedelic Show   Rebel-s Astro Spinner   Rob-s Fe Fi   Rob-s Humpty Doo   Rob-s Lucky Charm - leaf chimera   Rob-s Lucky Penny - leaf chimera   Rob-s Miriwinni   YachiyoDiverse   DiverseEUCHARIS AMAZONICAFUCHSIA - SwingtimeHIBISCUSI   SurinamHOYA   AH-074 silver   Alagensis NS 05-231   Amicabilis   Amrita from Davao Philippines   Archboldiana Pink   Bhutanica   Blashernaezii   Buotii Queen Marble   Buotii Sunrise   Carnosa Grey Ghost   Carnosa Wilbur Graves   Chewiorum   Ciliata   Coriacea   Corymbosa   Crassipetiolata SILVER SPOT   Cutis - Porcelana   Cv Sunrise   Cv Tequila Sunrise   Cystiantha Silver Spot   Danumensis ssp Amarii   Desvoeuxensis   Erythrostemma Cotton Candy   Filifomis   Forbesii   Gildingii   Griffithii with silver spots on the leaves   Hainanensis   Hanhiae Yellow   Heuschkeliana subsp Heuschkeliana variegated   Ilagiorium Red   Imperialis Pink   Inflata   Isabelchanae GPS 7-35   Kanyakumariana   Lacunosa cv Eskimo   Lanceolata ssp bella Luis buis   Lithophytica   Lobbii White   Lockii   Macrophylla Pot of Gold   Maingayi   Mappigera from Peninsular Malaysia   Maxima yellow corona   Medinillifolia   Megalantha NS05-038   Mindorensis UT042   Minutiflora - the smallest hoya in the world   Multiflora Penang Island   Multiflora Variegata   Narcissiflora   Neo-Ebudica   Nicholsoniae New Guinea Ghost   Obovata Speckled   Occultata   Odorata   Parasitica 4 Berrit   Patella Pink IML 1096   Paziae   Platycaulis green flower   Polyneura   Pubifera   Rotundiflora   Ruthiae UT 168   Ruthie   Siariae Red   Sp aff Blashernaezii Golden Flame   sp Flores Island UT 039   sp Gunung Gading   sp IR 26 -Irian Jaya 26-   sp Kalimantan SLM-02   sp Rangsan   Sp UT-033   Spartioides big flowers   Stenophylla   Surisana   Telosmoides   Thuathienhuensis   Undulata   Vitiensis   Walliniana variegata   Yvesrocherii NS08-030   Z Compacta Hindu RopeKOHLERIA   BriD-s Loren   Cybelle   Elvira   HCY-s Jardin de Monet   Lemon Demon   Lilla Gubben   MM-s Alena   MM-s Carmen   Peridot-s Mango Martini   Peridots Jaguar-s Paw   Peruviana   Pink Flamingo   SimSim Cleopatra   Snake Skin   Somerset Cream Surprise   SRG-s Anita Willmott   SRG-s Bitter Chocolate   SRG-s Black Jack   SRG-s Burgundi Queen   Sunny   Texas Rainbow   Thad-s Uncle Ron   Yf-s Dulkulan   Yf-s Emma   Yf-s MajaLEANDRUORHIDEEz ACHIMENES   Abendrot - S Saliba   Alaska Dream - S Saliba   Aurika Ashcroft - S Saliba   Blueberry Lemon - S Saliba   Dot - S Saliba   Femme Fatale - S Saliba   Illya Melnyk - S Saliba   Lena Vera - S Saliba   Mad Parrot X - S Saliba   Poseidon - S Saliba   Snoweetta - S Saliba   Strawberry Lemon - S Saliba   Yellow English Rose - S Saliba   z Sun Dance - S Saliba   z Yellow Fever - S SalibaZZ - RAFTURIzzzzUdarea violetelor - metoda wick-watering

membru din 12 mai 2009

Ilagiorium Red

Published in Asia Life Sciences 20 (2): 263-269 (2011) as Hoya ilagii. However, according to the rules, if the publication was made by several authors, the suffix –iorum and not –ii should be used in the name. This error has been fixed without a new publication.

Hoya ilagiorum Hoya ilagiorum is named after the family of Prof. Leodegario M. Ilag.

Hoya ilagiorum - endemic to Mt. Mabilog, Nagcarlan, Laguna Province, Luson Island, The Philippines. It was found in September 2009 at an altitude of 300m above sea level Monina Siar (M. Siar) and Mary Anne Caiano (M.A. Cajano).

Hoya ilagiorum - curly epiphyte, flexible, smooth whips.
The leaves are leathery, lanceolate, with visible veins, the size varies from 9 to 20 cm in length, 3-5 cm in width. n a compact convex floral umbrella, 20-35 individual flowers with a diameter of 1.25 cm are formed. The corolla blades are red-orange, smooth, papillary pubescent, folded back. The crown is pale pink. Flowering lasts 4-5 days, the smell is weak. Since the red-orange color is difficult to transmit with digital cameras, with large distortions, there are photos on the network that differ in the color rendition of the main tone of the floral corolla.

Hoya ilagiorum is an easy-to-grow, fast-blooming variety. However, she does not like direct sunlight, the eastern and western windows are optimal for her.

Hoya ilagiorum is a native of the Philippines.This tropical succulent wax flower produces unusual and showy red/orange flowers that have a lemon zest scent/fragrance. The bloom color is so unique and different than any other Hoya! The glossy corolla is tomato red color and the corona is off white to light pink. The leaves on this Hoya are thick, glabrous, shiny with visible veins.

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